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WISE™ Concepts

Learn how to address you biggest entrepreneurial dilemmas with key educational services and content from WISE™ 

Key WISE™ Concepts

The Wealth Integration System for Entrepreneurs™ is designed to help business owners approach planning holistically. With this system comes some terminology everyone may not be familiar with. As you’re learning about WISE™, you can refer to this guide to help you understand the various concepts within the framework.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the first dilemma a business owner will face when growing their company. When facing this dilemma, the questions to consider are: What should I do with profits? Re-invest back in the company, buy real estate, invest in the market? Private Equity? Sit in Cash? What’s the best strategy?

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the second dilemma a business owner will face when growing their company. When facing this dilemma, the questions to consider are: What is this all for? Family? Charity? Ego? Just for fun? What impact am I making? How do I ensure my children are empowered and not entitled?

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and is the third dilemma a business owner will face when growing their company. When facing this dilemma, the questions to consider are: What is my best exit strategy? Do I sell the company or scale the company? Should I leave it to my children? Sell to Management? Will selling give me freedom of purpose, or loss of purpose?

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and refers to the way a business owner views money. This view, whether one of abundance or one of scarcity, is generally formed at a young age and can affect important financial and life decisions into adulthood if not identified.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and is the point where what you have built is worth more than what you will ever want for your desired lifestyle. If you sold your company, you would never have to work another day.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the traditional thought behind strategic planning is simply to get you from Point A (where you are) to Point B (where you wan to be). However, there is also Point C™ to consider. Point C is where you think you are.

There can be a huge difference between where a business owner “thinks they are” and where they actually are, which can create a large challenge when understanding and executing personal planning decisions because of the misalignment..

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the first component of WISE™. This is the overarching investment strategy for your entire balance sheet. It de- fines your combination of business investment, private equity, public equity, real estate, fixed income, and cash. It is important because it allows you to holistically view assets, returns, risk, and opportunity cost.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the second component of WISE™. This is the way you position, distribute, manage, and use all of your cash. It includes your working capital in the company, your salary, bonus, distributions, and all of your savings and passive income streams, both business and personal. It is important because everything starts and ends with cash flow.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the third component of WISE™. This is all of the capital you have on your balance sheet specifically allocated to a certain goal. Is this Lifestyle Capital—spending, investing in deals, living, and enjoying? Or is this Legacy Capital— your children, your beneficiaries, or your charitable intentions? The distinction is important because it defines the specific goal for each part of your wealth, which will directly impact how you view and position it.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the fourth component of WISE™. This includes sale, succession, and continuity—the three eventual paths your business can take. Exit through a sale of your stock. Succession of your stock to a family member or management team. Continuity of your company in the event of the unexpected. This is important because it is likely the largest asset on your balance sheet and highly connected to you.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the fifth component of WISE™. This is the plan you have to protect everything you have built. Protecting assets against lawsuits and risks, planning for uncertainty, insurance, and risk management. It is important because it helps you identify and protect what you have built and the associated risks.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the sixth component of WISE™. The plan to bring all of your goals together with the first five components of WISE in the most tax-effective method. And not just for one tax year, but for your entire lifetime. It is important because your largest bill is to the IRS, and being intentional with a tax strategy can allow you to keep more of what you have built.

The Entrepreneur’s Investment Opportunity Diagram (IOD™) is a strategic tool as part of WISE’s educational services and is used to determine the investment opportunities and unique balance sheet of an entrepreneur. This breaks down how entrepreneurs think about opportunities and often make decisions, even when it happens subconsciously.

This is a strategic concept as part of WISE’s educational services and the is the framework to identify your short term, intermediate term, and long term capital needs.

This is the overarching strategic concept and is the foundation of WISE’s educational services. Business owners do not need to be told what to do. They need the options, guidance, and perspective so they can more clearly decide what to do.
If business owners can receive objective and thoughtful perspectives, their intentionality increases, which can often change their outcome altogether. 
And it’s not just about making financial decisions that yield a great return on investment, but having those decisions support a great Return on Life Experience.™ 

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